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The Skill of Self-Advocacy for Women

Self-advocacy is an important skill that allows women to communicate their needs effectively with others. This includes everyone from bosses to friends, relatives, and spouses.  When women master this skill, they can navigate life more easily with resilience, assertiveness, and confidence.  Here are a few examples of what it means to be your own self-advocate: Asking for a raise at work and providing legitimate evidence that supports your request.   Telling a friend you don’t eat seafood when they recommend it for dinner and suggesting the two of you come up with another idea that pleases everyone involved.   Asking a teacher if you can take a math test in a separate room or after class if you get test anxiety.   These are all very different examples; but they each communicate a vital part of self-advocacy which is understanding the value you bring to the table, communicating your preferences clearly, and recognizing what you need to feel in control or empowered.  Elements of Successfu

A Woman's Independence and Self-Reliance

  Being an independent woman is a life skill that will empower you to take control of your life and rely on yourself to accomplish your dreams. The more independent you are, the more freedom you have to focus on what matters most to you and to attain your goals in ways that are important to you. Being an independent woman is not about being alone but it is about honoring your own needs and values over those of others. Independence is the foundation of your adult life. It’s the thing that allows you to make decisions for yourself, do things for yourself, and move through life without a constant feeling of self-doubt or regret. No one reaches the end of their lives regretting the adventurous things they did do. We do, however, often regret the things we didn’t have the courage or ability to do.  We all have that family member or friend who likes to constantly offer their free advice, or explanation as to why you should live your life a certain way.  Maybe your favorite aunt has offered s

Ways to Have Better Conversations for Career and Business Growth

  Building your skills to have better conversations in your career or business helps you reach your goals and build relationships with others.    When women feel confident and comfortable they can easily converse with others. But when they are nervous and afraid, which happens all too often in business and work situations, it’s another story. The good news is women can learn different ways to start conversations that are effective. The key is to practice so you get better. Begin by keeping it simple. Have a follow up plan after the initial hello, how are you? Don’t use a clever ice breaker that could blow up on you. Leave the jokes or snappy stories out of the initial conversation as well.   Be yourself and don’t try to say something that isn’t natural to your personality. Give the person you're speaking to a compliment about something such as a project they just finished, a presentation they gave or how organized they are. Ask open-ended questions that require more than a yes, no,

A Woman's Confidence, Resilience and Perfectionism

Women are breaking barriers, making impressive progress in various fields and shattering stereotypes. Despite these advancements, many women still struggle with their confidence and self-belief.  The Importance of Confidence Confidence is an important factor in shaping the success and well-being of an individual. The confidence levels of women are often influenced by societal expectations, personal experiences and cultural norms.  Confident women will be more likely to take risks, follow their goals, advocate for, and protect themselves; as well as being able to recover from setbacks. By relying on their inner confidence, women are better able to combat feelings of self-doubt, imposter syndrome and deflect any external criticisms that could potentially impede their growth.  The Need to Build Inner Strength The foundation upon which confidence is built is inner strength. A strong foundation requires courage, resilience, determination, and perseverance in the face of any adversity. Women

What Is Self-Reinvention?

Reinventing yourself means making significant changes to your life. It’s a challenging and intimidating process, but it’s worthwhile because it will bring about tremendous growth and fulfillment. When you reinvent yourself, you eventually become a new and improved version of yourself. Your reinvention may include changing your career, ending unhealthy relationships, adopting new habits, or finding a new sense of purpose or meaning in life. It’s about breaking out of your comfort zone and taking control of your life. Reinvention is a powerful concept, and it's something that many people strive for in their lives. Whether changing careers, starting a new hobby, or simply taking a different approach to life, the possibilities for reinvention are endless.  How Did I Get Here?  The process of reinvention is challenging but understanding how you got to this point will ensure that you make better decisions for the future. So here are a few questions to ask yourself to help you figure out

Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone for Growth

Our comfort zone is like our home. It’s where things are familiar, restful, and normal.  We rarely leave our comfort zone unless we’re forced into a new situation, like a job promotion that would cause us to speak in front of others or having to move to a new location. The truth is some of us won’t step out of our comfort zones, even for a small step.  But did you know that by staying in our comfort zone, we are keeping ourselves from growing, both personally and professionally. In fact, when you step out of your comfort zone you are inspired to do it more often. This “facing your fear” helps you grow more confident in your abilities. Stepping out of your comfort zone isn’t easy and you’ll have to find ways to push yourself. You’ll want to set yourself up for success when you do. If not, a wrong turn out of your comfort zone can lead you to never trying again. But you can’t let fear rule you either. You have to find a balance. Before you take that leap, you need to know why and how you

Thinking Strategically

To think strategically means to see and to be able to understand the bigger picture of where you need to go. Then you need to take action to achieve the associated goals.  Strategic thinkers often ask themselves key questions like: Where am I now? Where do I want to be? How will I get there?  Strategic thinking is a powerful tool in leadership.  When applied it gives awareness and understanding needed for long-term success. Strategic thinking is also a powerful tool to use in your personal life for creating the path you want to take and build the life you want to live.  Strategic Thinking Is not only about decision making. It’s about spending time thinking, listening, and observing. It’s not about gut feelings alone. Strategic thinkers and leaders are methodical, driven by data to help them make informed decisions. They use observation of trends, asking the right questions and seeking context.  It is not instant gratification of short-term gains. Strategic thinkers plan and execute a s