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How to Develop a Journaling Practice

Knowing how to start a journaling practice or why you should bother in the first place can be challenging. But journaling has many benefits for your mental and emotional health and overall well-being. 

  • Decide what you want to use your journal for -- Are you looking to track your thoughts and feelings daily? Or do you want to use your journal as a creative outlet and write stories or poems? Knowing the purpose of your journal will help you decide how often to write and what kinds of things to include in your entries.

  • Set aside time each day (or week) for journaling -- Try to find a time that works, that you will stick to. For example, some folks like to journal first thing in the morning, while others prefer evening journaling before bed. Do what feels best to you, to meet your needs.

  • Get yourself a nice journal -- This may seem like a frivolous step but having a journal that you love can make all the difference in terms of sticking to your practice. Be sure to check out some journals at your local bookstore or online. Pick one that speaks to you, so you’ll be excited to write in it.

  • Don’t worry about grammar or spelling -- This is your journal, so there are no rules. When you write in your journal, just write as you speak. Don’t worry about making mistakes. The point is to get your thoughts and feelings down on paper, not to produce a work of art.

  • Be honest with yourself -- The whole point of journaling is to be truthful about your thoughts and feelings. So don’t hold back – write about whatever is on your mind, even if it’s something you’re ashamed of or embarrassed about. Remember, your journal is for you and no one else, so you can be as candid as you want.

  • Be patient with yourself -- If you’re having trouble getting started, or if you find yourself skipping days (or weeks) of journaling, don’t be too hard on yourself. Instead, begin again where you left off and be consistent as much as possible. The important thing is that you keep moving forward and don’t give up on your practice altogether.

  • Seek help if you need it -- If you find that your journaling is becoming too overwhelming talk to a therapist, life coach, or doctor about your concerns. The right person can help you decide if journaling is right for you.

Journaling can be a terrific way to boost your mood, manage stress, and get in touch with your emotions.

Use Your Favorite Quotes for Inspiration

You can find quotes to use as prompts – from your favorite novels to poems to Instagram captions. So, if you're ever feeling stuck, scroll through your feed and see if anything catches your eye.

There's no incorrect way to go about this –open up your journal and start writing using the first quote that catches your eye. Then, don't give it tons of thought. Instead, randomly pick the quote for the day.

You might reflect on why the quote is meaningful or how it makes you feel. You can also use it as a prompt for a story or scene that you create in your own words. There's no wrong way to do it – just let the words flow and see where they take you.

When sitting down to journal, don't be afraid to reach for a quote to get the ball rolling. A quote that makes you feel something may be exactly the right motivation you need to jump-start your session.

Some ideas for prompts or questions:

  • What are three things you're grateful for today?

  • What are your aspirations?

  • What's something you're struggling with right now?

  • What would be your ideal day?

  • What are some things you've always wanted to try?

  • Who are the people in your life to whom you're grateful?

Use these prompts or questions to get started and see where your journaling takes you. Since you are now well-versed in the benefits of journaling and have a few tips and tricks for getting started, it's time to pick up a pen, voice recorder, or paintbrush. Don't worry about doing it perfectly—remember that the act of journaling can be therapeutic in and of itself. So, find a quiet spot, grab your phone or a notebook and a pen, and let your thoughts flow. Who knows where your journaling journey will take you.


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